A Day in the Woods

Repeats every month on March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November on the second Friday 9 times.
Friday, March 11, 2022 - 10:00am

March 11- Native grasslands and Pollinator Habitat for Wildlife- A virtual Introduction. 3 pm. via Zoom

April 8 – Using Technology for Woodland Management. 10 am. Join us via Zoom or in person at Zaleski ODNR Complex. 12:30 PM Live Demonstrations at Zaleski ODNR Complex (not available via Zoom)

May 13- Understory plants in Your Woodland. 9 am. Vinton Furnace State Forest

June 10- Woodlands and water. 9 am. Zaleski State Forest. 2:30 pm optional float trip on Raccoon Creek

July 15- Tools and Equipment for managing your woodlands and wildlife habitat. 10 am. Hocking College

July 22- Native grasslands and Pollinator Habitat for Wildlife. 9 am. Field-based. Location to be determined.

August 12- Tree Identification. 9am. Vinton Furnace State Forest

September 9- A night in the forest: Nocturnal Wildlife and Night Skies. 6:30 pm. Vinton Furnace State Forest

October 7- Managing oaks for wildlife. 9 am. Vinton Furnace State Forest

November 10 (Thursday)- Family Forests and Carbon. 3 pm. Virtual via zoom

Hands on Chainsaw Training (CSAW). 8 Hour Hands on Classes. - Dates, Locations TBA.

Visit u.osu.edu/apsley.1 for more information.