OSU Extension, Edison FFA & Jefferson Soil & Water Conservation District invite you to learn about grass and forb identification, spring pasture renovation, and forage testing to improve yields and forage quality in fields this year. During the workshop, participants will go through the process of identifying common grasses and legumes found in pastures and hay fields (with real plants!) and learn how identification is an important component of pasture renovation. Forages covered include (but are not limited to): timothy, orchardgrass, fescue, clovers, and birdsfoot trefoil. We will also demonstrate how to collect a good forage sample and how to read the lab report to determine quality of hay. This workshop is hands-on!
Cost of the program is $5 per person and pre-registration is required as space is limited to 20. Payment is due with registration. A meal is included with registration. Send registration to OSU Extension, Jefferson County, 500 Market Street, Suite 512, Steubenville, OH, 43952.