Past Events

  1. May. 07, 2022 11:00am

  2. May. 07, 2022 9:00am to 11:00am

    Livestock Tag-In Day! Swine, Beef Feeder, Dairy Beef Feeder, Market Lamb, and Market Goat Tag-In NO ANIMALS ARE TO BE BROUGHT TO THIS TAG-IN!

  3. May. 06, 2022 (All day)

    2022 Jefferson County 4-H Camp: Future Leaders Under Construction ALL 4-H Camp Registrations Are Due May 31! – Please note the cost increase is due to Piedmont’s increase in cost. 4-H Camp Brochure and Registration

  4. May. 06, 2022 (All day)

    You can find the Camp Piedmont Family In-Need Scholarship Form under the 2022 Forms on this site.

  5. May. 04, 2022 5:00pm to 6:30pm

  6. May. 04, 2022 5:00pm

    Join Dr. Timothy McDermott, DVM and Ohio State University Extension Educator, and the Jefferson County General Health District to learn about what’s new in the world of ticks. This session will cover ticks of concern in Ohio, including a new invasive tick identified last year with the potential to be of significant medical concern. Tick-borne diseases and their symptoms will also be covered –the bullseye rash is not always present in many lymedisease cases! This session is a must if your patients have concerns about ticks!  

  7. May. 04, 2022 12:00pm

    April 6 - Economy & Inflation May 4 - Labor Markets June 1 - Energy & Carbon Prices Register at

  8. May. 02, 2022 5:00pm

    Rabbit hopping dates will begin the first Monday in May at 5 pm., at the rabbit pavilion. These hopping dates also serve as the Most Outstanding Exhibitor clinic for rabbits. If you are going out for MOE rabbit you must attend one of these clinics and collect a hand written note from Tammy Mazzaferro certifying your attendance.

  9. May. 02, 2022 (All day)

    Attention Advisors!! All Club Activity Fee and Book Fee Invoices will be mailed out today.  Payments are due to be received or postmarked at the Extension office by June 1, 2022!  Reminder: Activity Fee checks are to be written to: Jefferson County 4-H Committee

  10. May. 01, 2022 1:00pm to 6:00pm
