Poultry and Rabbit Tag-In

Saturday, July 30, 2022 - 9:00am to 12:00pm
Jefferson County Fairgrounds
Contact name:
Rick Shell

Poultry and Rabbit Tag-In

Rabbit ID Forms for pet rabbits and doe and litter MUST be received by June 1, 2022! Please attach a photo of your rabbit! A separate form MUST be used for each animal.

ID Forms for market rabbits are turned in the day of market rabbit tag-in the last Saturday in July! Market rabbit ID forms will be availiable at the event.

Any pet and/or market rabbits that have not been previously tattooed that same day, the last Saturday in July. ALL pet and market rabbits, except doe and litter, must be tattooed. Rabbits will be checked for disease at tag-in.

ALL poultry MUST be brought to Tag-In. Pollorum testing will be done that day. 

Please watch the Jefferson County Fair Exhibitors & Campers Facebook page for more information about the Rabbit/ Poultry Tag-In!