As you may be aware, The Ohio State University has announced the suspension of face-to-face instruction of lectures, discussion sections, seminars, and other similar classroom settings, and the move to virtual instruction effective immediately and through at least Monday, March 30. Also, events deemed nonessential between now and April 20 are subject to review, to evaluate whether they should continue in person. Based on these guidelines, we have decided to cancel the following in-person meetings scheduled for the next couple of weeks: “What’s in Your Soil” @ EGCC; “You Can Have Your Timber…And Wildlife Too!” @ EGCC; East Ohio Women in Agriculture Conference @ RG Drage; Farmers’ Winter Breakfast Series: “Hemp Production in Ohio” @ OSUE Jefferson County.
The Farm Tax Meeting will still be held, but we will be having it via webinar. If this is something that you are interested in, give our office a call at 740-461-6136 so we can get you the link. The Farm Tax Meeting is scheduled for March 24th @ 6pm. The $5 fee will be waived, so there is no cost to attend.
Webinar options may be available in the near future for some of these programs…stay tuned.
Tonight’s Farm Bureau meeting on “Ag Districts” will run as scheduled – it is not cancelled.
Pesticide exams will still be held – we have an upcoming local exam at the Harrison County Extension office on March 25th. All pesticide re-certification classes will continue to be held across the state as usual.
One of the best ways to prevent the spread of viral illnesses is to minimize the circumstances in which individuals might interact and transmit the diseases.
The safety of our community is our top priority. We realize that our COVID-19 policy guidelines will cause disruption, but the risk of not acting outweighs the inconvenience of these temporary measures. We will share updates as more information becomes available. Learn how we’re working to keep our communities safe.