April 18, 2023 - 10:26am -- haught.95@osu.edu

Most Outstanding Exhibitor Guidelines 2023

MOE 2023 process, scoring and rules:

  1. Declare participation by turning in a current 2023 Ohio 4-H Achievement Form (word) (pdf) and cover letter stating the species for which you are applying to the OSU Extension office by 4 pm, May 1. Form must be received by this time. Only hard copies will be accepted. No email, faxes etc. If you are snail mailing the form, please allow time for it to be received in the OSUE office by this date.

  2. Review the following scoring guidelines for MOE. Contact Allison.325@osu.edu if anything is unclear.

A. Clinic - 50 Points

  • Must be a Jefferson Co. event. These will be held in May. Participant receives total points if they attend for the entire county clinic. A MOE contestant can receive half points for leaving early or attending a different outside of county event. If a Jefferson County event is not offered for the specie in which the participant is competing, the participant may only then look for an out of county or virtual event with the expectation of receiving full credit.

B. Ohio 4-H Achievement Form- 50 Points

  • 50 Points for a complete achievement form that follows all guidelines sent down by Ohio 4-H. Points will be subtracted for incomplete or sparse areas in comparison to other contestants.

C. Skillathon - 100 Points

  • Actual score up to 100 pts, Participant receives the points they earned in the Skillathon. Must complete in-person skillathon.

D. Interview - 100 Points

  • 1st. place interview will receive 100 Points, 2nd = 90 Points, 3rd = 80 Points, & Etc.

E. Showmanship- 100 Points

  • 1st. place in class will receive 100 Points, 2nd = 90 Points, 3rd = 80 Points, & Etc.
    • Note: Automatic qualifiers for Supreme Showmanship receive 100 Points automatically

F. Supreme Showmanship- 10 Points

  • 1st. Place in class will receive 10 Points, 2nd = 8 Points, 3rd = 6 Points, 4th = 4 Points, & 5th = 2 Points

G. Books- 50 Points

  • 50 Points for complete book, Book reviewers can choose to take points off for incomplete books. It is recommended that you include all pictures, feed tags, charts, etc. A MOE contestant should not turn in incomplete books with the expectation of winning. Final reviewers can choose to not award an MOE in a certain category if no contestant has turned in a completed book.

H. Tie Breaker

Highest Showmanship & Supreme Showmanship score, followed by Skillathon score, followed by Interview score

  1. Turn in your completed project book at the start of the 4-H awards ceremony. This ceremony is held on the Sunday at the start of the Jefferson County Fair. There will be a box at the gazebo for all project books. Books will be turned over to the MOE review committee directly following the conclusion of the 4-H awards ceremony.

  2. Be at the sale barn 15 minutes before the start of the junior fair livestock auction on Saturday of the Jefferson County Fair. You will be congratulated on being a participant and awardees will be announced.

  3. Good luck! Have Fun! Demonstrate Your Good Sportsmanship!