September 24, 2019 - 11:06am --

Industrial hemp will be legalized to grow in Ohio, with growers likely being able to plant seed beginning in spring 2020, but what does that mean for producers? Join us as we discuss the production possibilities and current regulations.

A meeting will be held on Monday, September 30 at 7pm at the Athens County Extension office (280 W. Union St., Athens, OH) and will also be available as an online webinar. This will be an informational session for those wanting to learn more about the industry and its future in Ohio. Contact information for this event: Ed Brown (740) 593-8555 OR

Join the meeting on September 30th online at no cost at Look for future scheduled industrial hemp in-person sessions in this area in the November-December ANR Extension Connection newsletter. Newsletters can be found at or send an email to to get added to our mailing list.