Based on strategic planning efforts, Ohio State University Extension Community Development aligned its efforts under our three areas of emphasis.
Areas of Expertise
Discovering Economic and Workplace Innovation -
The Knowledge Economy requires nurturing entrepreneurs and creating environments in which they can thrive. It also requires pursuing sustainable economic development goals. Extension brings cutting edge research, knowledge and innovation to practical application for the betterment of our businesses and communities.
Enhancing Community Capacity and Decision Making -
OSU Extension works with communities to identify local assets and capabilities to create more opportunities for their citizens. We promote active citizen participation to develop sustainable communities and enhance local quality of life.
Creating Community Educational Excellence -
The creation of high quality schools may be the most important issue or foundational factor in the development of high quality communities. OSU Extension Community Development professionals collaborate with schools and communities to identify and expand community and school resources for their mutual benefit. The goal is to make all Ohio schools the envy of the nation.
OSU Extension Community Development educators and specialists enhance communities by working with:
- Business communities
- Current and emerging community leaders
- Elected and appointed officials
We provide perspectives to residents and leaders regarding local development issues; increase the knowledge base for individual and community decisions; develop clientele skills necessary to help achieve their individual and community goals; and help create an inclusive decision-making environment.
The first step in contacting OSUE Community Development is to email Cindy Bond-Zielinski, the CD Educator for Crossroads Extension Education and Research Area.
If you are still in need of additional information about OSU Extension Community Development: